Batch prices in Floriday

Learn how to deploy batch prices for flower growers and start selling through Floriday.




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Online, at any time. Or request a group workshop.

Floriday expert

Working with batch prices we recommend for flower growers. Plant growers we advise catalogue prices.


The online workshop 'Batch prices' covers the following topics:

  • Creating batches/stock
  • Trading period for batchprices
  • Working with batch prices
  • Packing variants
  • First in, First out

After watching this workshop, you'll know how to market your products more efficiently and serve your customers even better.

Before you view this online workshop, the following components must be set up in Floriday:

Want to get more out of Floriday? If so, take the following workshop: 

Register for this workshop below and watch it at your convenience. Or read more in our Helpcenter.